Siamo una squadra fortissimi [cit.]

I have never wanted to go swimming so much as I do now that I have a horrible skin rash (and it would not be wise to immerse it in chlorine). And five minutes ago I had a long long reasoning I wanted to write down about the stupidity of making decisions in the wrong moments et cetera et cetera, but I cannot remember all of it now.


Obviously, there are lots more things I could do with my free time -read more than the basic reading for my degree, read a book on British colonialism I just borrowed from the library, knit, write a letter to my mum, listen to City & Colour rather than Nomadi, get started on my presentation, which I will deliver in ten days… the more I think about all these things I could do, the more I just want to go back to bed and sleep for hours. It must be said that I have taken two tablets of Ibuprofen earlier -I am not usually THIS lazy. So, here I am, writing my blog, that I had neglected for so long.

I had thought about posting about yoga, relaxing activities and warm baths, but all the inspiration went down the drain when it took me half an hour to clean the oats out of the bath tub (the doctor suggested an oatmeal bath for my rash. He clearly isn’t the one who keeps the house clean and tidy).

Then I wrote a post in my head, on stress curves and negative feedback. But it didn’t come back to me when I was in front of the blank page on screen.

All of the other ideas were based on writing down many reasons of complaints, but I complain enough in real life to waste my writing time doing the same thing.


Also, I chose this title because that was the song I was listening to when I logged on WordPress: Checco Zalone, “Siamo una squadra fortissimi”. Do not use it to learn Italian grammar, but it’s a funny song.

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